Greenwich Wellness rooms – Counselling & Psychotherapy
Call Us 020 8226 3828


The model of therapy

I am a fully qualified NLP practitioner and CBT therapist, from working together I identify the NLP and CBT tools and techniques appropriate for each individual client, including identifying limiting beliefs, unhelpful thoughts and behaviours, cause and effect, themes, reframing, perceptual positions, the circle of excellence. This approach is based on the communication model/epistemology that we all interface with the world differently. Having practical experience in a range of approaches I can customise the session to each client’s specific needs. This process is based on establishing a good rapport between therapist and client based on the presuppositions of NLP. I will support the outcome the client desires to achieve better overall well-being, make the best choices for themselves and establish what steps to take to move forward at their own pace. Each session is a confidential and non-judgemental space, the client can express themselves fully and freely to the degree required to achieve their target.

My experience as an NLP/CBT practitioner

I qualified as a life coach in 2005 and as an NLP practitioner in 2015. And in 2018 gained a certificate in CBT. The tools are invaluable and I have used them since qualifying with friends, family and work. I have used the tools and techniques professionally while managing, developing, training and motivating staff as well as dealing with conflict and communication challenges.
The above experience has allowed me to grow my practical experience and give me the skills required to help clients.

I specialise in

Career Change
Stress Management

My training and qualifications

AIP approved NLP practitioner training
The Life Coaching Institute Diploma in Life Coaching
Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

I was drawn to becoming an NLP therapist

My own experience of inner conflict, anxiety and depression was my first voyage into NLP.

I’m a CIMA qualified accountant with over 15 years’ experience in financial services and was working in a good role with a career.  However, I began to feel unmotivated. Why did I fill so unfulfilled? After all the years of studying, should I not be happy? This period of inner conflict was decidedly stressful.  I was anxious about letting my colleagues and family down.  I was concerned about changing my career, letting go of my work identity and financial implications. These unexpressed anxieties turned into depression.

My depression looked like this, I would finish work, go home, pull the curtains and watch TV for hours, I didn’t talk to anyone, I didn’t want to go out.  Often I watched TV I had seen before and I was never really watching it anyway.  I would take a deep breath before leaving the house and going out into the world, I did talk to people but it was as brief as possible and if possible I would avoid it!  This is one of the reasons I started my journey into therapy, to help me and now to help others.

With the assistance of NLP tools, I was able to view different aspects of my life from differing points of view.  I realised how much of the problem was real or not real.  This helped me to take the first steps towards the change I wanted.  I realised desired a more fulfilling role that helped people, directly motivated by my coaching experience to date. I have continued to use the tools and/or techniques throughout my life journey and am honoured to be able to share them with others.


“Sasha was helping me through a hard time and she was amazing, she listened and helped me find ways to handle things differently, the room is very nice and calming and Sasha made time around my work life and it worked.” – Alex Charalambides

“Very helpful sessions with Sasha!” – Louise M

“I went to see Sasha for anxiety and stress.  She has a pragmatic approach to therapy and we worked together so I could learn how self-manage my symptoms after the sessions ended.  The tools and techniques she gave me I still use now.” –  Steve 

“Life coaching with Sasha Harker changed everything for me. I was in a difficult situation at work and didn’t know what to do. She gave me some tools and techniques which really started to change this. Things are changing now. I will see her again.” – Susan Fireze

“I wasn’t feeling very happy in several areas of my life.  With Sasha’s help I became clear on which parts I could change and which I learnt to accept, it wasn’t what I had expected. But Sasha encouraged me to set targets on a weekly basis and for the future. I found the sessions interesting  and useful, Thanks you!” – Dave



The model of therapy I use

My approach is a combination of Hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT, EMDR and Time Line therapy. My experience has shown that these modalities together uncover the root cause of a problem, whilst facilitating change by creating a better understanding of ourselves and behaviours. This understanding then creates the change required to replace unwanted habits, thus enhancing our output and performance.

Bad habits are like weeds, hypnosis essentially kills the weeds whilst at the same time planting seeds of knowledge in the cleaned up fertile ground which is the subconscious mind.

To defeat fears and phobias I have found I get the best results using the timeline model. This form of mental detox is extremely effective at removing the negative and debilitating emotions surrounding events and situations essentially triggering the client’s fear. This technique can also be applied content free meaning the client does not have to experience the emotions and events of the root cause.

My experience in counselling

I have been an NLP/Hypnotherapist practitioner since 2006 and a Hypnotherapist since 2011. Initially studying NLP/Hypnotherapist as a communication tool to help my development as a Key Account and Business Development Manager in Pharma Sales. After qualifying, my career took off and I was achieving top sales performer year on year even though I had no previous sales experience, alongside this I was presenting to 200 delegates at a Dermatology Conference in Miami

Experiencing first-hand the benefits both NLP and hypnotherapy provided, I decided to teach the skills I had acquired, at first to friends and work colleagues, eventually running retreats at home in the UK and Thailand.

I have now aligned my practice, working alongside addiction and mental health centres, in the Greenwich Borough. Since qualifying, I have helped countless clients get over addiction, phobias and life’s hurdles.

I specialise in

Smoking cessation
Stress Management
Weight loss

My training and qualifications

Master NLP Practitioner 2020

EMDR 2019 – John Dewar

NLP/Hypnotherapist Practitioner 2006 – Toby and Kate McCartney

Hypnotherapy Practitioner 2011 – Toby and Kate McCartney

Clinical Hypnotherapy 2018- Steve Adams

CBT Certificate

I was drawn to becoming a Counsellor

My life was great, I was top sales performer in the country, my coaching practice was growing, I was in a loving relationship and had an amazing group of friends, but then 2014 I started suffering from low mood and panic attacks.

I could no longer leave my house due to my anxiety, and I fell into deep depressions which led me to some very dark places.

After numerous trips to my GP and a cocktail of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications which didn’t help, I hit rock bottom. So on the advice of some of my peers from my therapy network, I sought help through counselling and talking therapy.

Thanks to this, I have been back and fighting fit since June 2017, and with no medication.

Once I got the right treatment and had extensive hypnotherapy and counselling I was able to uncover and deal with the triggers underneath my ill health. This then leads me to question why these therapeutic modalities aren’t more mainstream, as the medication I had been taking was clearly just masking and exacerbating my situation. Therefore I changed career and have been doing this full time since. It’s now my mission to make hypnotherapy mainstream.


“I have had five sessions with Sam using hypnotherapy and NLP. I cannot express how thankful I am and how much I have changed in such a sort period of time.” – Bryony Jones

“Sam had been recommended to me by my best friend  and I am so glad that I reached out to her. After 15 years in a relationship and 7 years of marriage things started to breakdown and I was unhappy and very unsure on how to deal with and process this. Throughout my sessions, Sam was able to help me identify key areas to work on which has assisted in the navigation of my relationship status and to understand my thoughts and feelings and how to effectively communicate this. Sam made me feel at ease from the very beginning which made the sessions run effortlessly and not feel like therapy at all, she also provided a great recommendation for a therapist for my husband too. With Sam’s assistance I am much happier, emotionally stronger and able to move on with the next stages of my life confidently and I will continue to use her support and definitely recommend her to anyone. ” – Victoria J

“I entered a period of my life when I wanted to make some serious changes, but I was struggling with motivation, any kind of structure and general self-sabotage. I couldn’t seem to make things happen and I was feeling very weak, knowing I had some issues of my past that still needed dealing with too. I started seeing Sam after finding her online and I’m so happy we connected, from the very first meeting things already started to feel easier. I was really happy to have her support especially when things took a very sudden turn for the worst for me and Sam quickly adapted her approach to accommodate the traumatic stuff that was happening.
I found that Sam really taps into who you are, she can make you think of things in a different way and when I left each session, I felt uplifted like I was making progress. Sam also took much time to create recordings for me to help me sleep and tailored them to include things that would make a lasting impact. I will always be grateful for Sam’s help during a very tough time. It never felt like therapy, it was like talking to a familiar friend, I always felt at ease and trusted Sam and her advice. Sam is clearly very skilled and I was happy to recommend her to my best friend, who has also benefitted greatly from her sessions. I now feel a much stronger person and Sam helped me get here, she truly is an expert in her field.” – Chantal Haynes

“I went to see Sam as I was looking for NLP to help support my fitness goals and choose healthier options when pushed for time at work. After 4 sessions she uncovered what was really behind my food cravings and helped me understand how to move through these issues.”  – Joanne S

“I had some NLP with Samantha as I had reached a point in my carrier where I was feeling stuck and unfulfilled I was also having some dark moods and felt a little lost. I was very sceptical of any form or therapy but I was delighted how she mapped out a plan and addressed the underlying issues in very few sessions. In the space of 3 months not only was my carrier back on track I had also been promoted and kick started my fitness routine, started dating and now have a girlfriend! I would definitely see Samantha again, in fact I have scheduled a yearly mental detox/MOT with her.”  – Warren B



The model of therapy I use
I practice Person-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy. Person-centred therapy is a humanistic approach that deals with the ways in which individuals perceive themselves consciously, I work with clients to help them interpret their unconscious thoughts or ideas.
I explore ideas to understand an individual’s experience from their perspective, making them better able to understand their own feelings. This enables the client to reconnect with their inner values and sense of self-worth, enabling the belief that all of us will grow and fulfil our potential. This journey allows clients to reconnect with and utilise their own strengths and identity.
Gestalt is a positive and practical integrative therapeutic approach. I will help clients focus on their immediate thoughts, feelings and behaviour and to better understand the way they relate to others.

My experience in counselling
Over the years I have studied and experienced many forms of therapy in various backgrounds. Through this I have found myself concentrating on particular areas such as working with women and girls in the sexual violence sector, working with Caribbean families and the impact of life based on cultural upbringing and experiences.

I specialise in
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

My training and qualifications
• Diploma in Person-Centred Counselling
• Diploma in Therapeutic Supervision
• Introduction to Psychology
• Introduction to Gestalt Psychotherapy
• RSA in Counselling Skills
• Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
• Lewisham Mayor and Cabinet Women of Achievement Award
• Domestic Violence Awareness
• Anti-Stalking and Harassment Training
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Training
• OCN Accredited: Developing and Delivering Domestic Violence Training
• Positive Therapy
• Working with Caribbean Families: Fathers and Sons
• The Impact on life and relationships based on culture, upbringing and experiences
• Child Bereavement
• Empires of the Mind: Colonial History & Its Implications for Counselling & Psychotherapy
• Black Issues in the Therapeutic Process
• The Effects of Separation and Loss: Therapeutic Approaches
• Transference and Interpersonal Perception in the Psychotherapeutic Relationship: An Adlerian Perspective
• Youth Mental Health First Aid
• Adult Mental Health First Aid
• Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Training
• Accredited Skills course Working with Female Survivors of Sexual Violence
• Human Trafficking Introduction
• Hypnotherapy Training
• Working with Survivors using Art Materials
• In the Mind of a Borderline Personality Disorder
• Working with Women and Girls within Sexual Violence Sector
• Working with Relational Trauma

I was drawn to becoming a Counsellor
My journey to counselling came many years after redundancy. My son was still in primary school and I decided to stay at home until he was older and use the time to consider my career path.
I studied Holistic Massage and during the training, the tutor mentioned that having counselling skills would be useful as, when working with peoples’ bodies emotions can be released. I qualified as a massage therapist and the idea of training as a counsellor was never too far from my mind.
A few years later, I was experiencing mild depression due to challenges in my relationship. I sought counselling and it was life-changing. At the start of my counselling, I was hesitant and afraid. It was important to me that I had a counsellor from the same community as myself, but that also worried me: I didn’t want anyone to know that I was having counselling and worried that my counsellor may know people that I knew. I felt the stigma of depression and the stigma of needing help because as an adult woman and mother, I couldn’t help myself.
My counsellor was an incredibly skilled and empathic woman who helped me to recognise that I had low self-esteem and had been willing to settle for very little in my relationships. This recognition answered many questions as to why I was so unhappy and unfulfilled: I put others’ needs before my own in the belief that I would receive love and acceptance in return. Slowly I began to see and believe that I was worthy and deserving of so much more than I had settled for.
Being a client, once again piqued my interest in training and I eventually qualified and have never looked back.


The model of therapy

I use As a fully qualified integrative counsellor, l collaboratively select which model of therapy is appropriate for each individual client using a wide range of theories, including CBT, EMDR, person-centred and humanistic-existential therapy. This approach is based on the fact we are all unique, and therefore no one model fits all. By having experience and practice in a range of approaches I can tailor the therapy to each client’s specific needs. This process is based on establishing a genuine relationship between counsellor and client which stands at the ‘core’ of any therapeutic union. I will endeavour to facilitate the client to achieve better overall well-being, make the best choices for themselves and establish what steps to take to move forward at their own pace. All within a confidential and non-judgemental space where the client can express emotions and personal issues freely.


My experience in counselling

I have been working within the mental health industry since 2003.

I am a psychological wellbeing training consultant for various organisations, including Greenwich Mind.

As an accredited member of the BACP, I was honoured to be asked to be an author and speaker at the BACP Research Conference.

The above experience has allowed me to grow my knowledge and experience and give me the passion to want to help others. This led me to be the Founder of the Wellness Rooms, where with additional counsellors and therapists we can offer clients a holistic approach to well-being.


I specialise in

Low Self-Esteem
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Stress Management


My training and qualifications

EMDR Practitioner Part I, Part II, Part III and IV

Postgraduate Diploma in Attachment-Based Theory

Postgraduate Certificate in Attachment-Based Theory

Certificate in Life Coaching – GROW Model

Higher Professional Dip Counselling (Distinction) – BACP accredited course

NCFE Certificate in Counselling Skills and Theory – BACP accredited course

Introduction to Counselling – BACP accredited course

BACP Accredited – I have been deemed by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy to meet the standard of a competent, ethical and independent practitioner.


I was drawn to becoming a Counsellor

My own experience of encountering panic attacks was my first involvement in counselling.

I prised my career as a fashion stylist, I was in a steady relationship and out of nowhere my life felt turned upside down. All this fear and panic entered my life literally overnight. Unfortunately attending therapy can still carry a stigma and lack of understanding, but even more so 20 years ago. I felt uneasy and hesitant as to how ‘talking’ to a stranger would help. I was reassured when I met Elizabeth, as she was nothing like the visualised stereotype I had in my head of a ‘shrink.’ I felt comfortable and not as though I was being judged. This facilitated me to explore my thoughts and feelings amenably. This in counselling terminology is called ‘the therapeutic alliance’, essential to any counselling relationship. I found the process of self-exploration positive and I was inspired to learn more. I was encouraged to attend an introduction to counselling course, as the main body of the work would facilitate additional self-awareness. At this point, I had no intention of training to become a counsellor. However, the more I learnt about myself the more my mental health improved and I became fascinated by the different models and theories of counselling. So, my journey evolved, and I have never looked back.


“Anyone with anxiety knows it is not easy to speak out for the first time, but Nicola made me feel comfortable very quickly. She took time to listen and find the root cause of the issue, before tailoring her approach to suit my needs. She uses a variety of methods which keeps it interesting and really makes you think outside the box. After just 10 sessions I’ve seen a huge improvement and find myself using techniques that Nicola has taught me every day. Nicola is kind, professional and completely non-judgemental. I’m so happy I found Nicola and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone!” – Layla

“I visited the Wellness rooms at a time of personal crisis. Having never received any counselling previously, I wasn’t sure what to expect but Nicola was very reassuring and we progressed through the various issues that I was experiencing in a constructive and helpful manner. We even tried different counselling techniques towards the end of the process which was actually fun – which is not a word I would have expected to have used when I first arrived!
Wholly recommend – thanks for your help.” – Michael Howard

“Nicola was wonderful – I had a lot to process and postpartum hormones were not making this easy – but she was patient, understanding and instinctively knew what was going on. Months later I am still finding that certain things that were said at the time now click, when I couldn’t understand them before. I would recommend Nicola to anyone seeking to connect with themselves again or gain a better understanding.” – Camilla Ferguson


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