The model of therapy I use
I practice Person-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy. Person-centred therapy is a humanistic approach that deals with the ways in which individuals perceive themselves consciously, I work with clients to help them interpret their unconscious thoughts or ideas.
I explore ideas to understand an individual’s experience from their perspective, making them better able to understand their own feelings. This enables the client to reconnect with their inner values and sense of self-worth, enabling the belief that all of us will grow and fulfil our potential. This journey allows clients to reconnect with and utilise their own strengths and identity.
Gestalt is a positive and practical integrative therapeutic approach. I will help clients focus on their immediate thoughts, feelings and behaviour and to better understand the way they relate to others.
My experience in counselling
Over the years I have studied and experienced many forms of therapy in various backgrounds. Through this I have found myself concentrating on particular areas such as working with women and girls in the sexual violence sector, working with Caribbean families and the impact of life based on cultural upbringing and experiences.
I specialise in
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
My training and qualifications
• Diploma in Person-Centred Counselling
• Diploma in Therapeutic Supervision
• Introduction to Psychology
• Introduction to Gestalt Psychotherapy
• RSA in Counselling Skills
• Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
• Lewisham Mayor and Cabinet Women of Achievement Award
• Domestic Violence Awareness
• Anti-Stalking and Harassment Training
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Training
• OCN Accredited: Developing and Delivering Domestic Violence Training
• Positive Therapy
• Working with Caribbean Families: Fathers and Sons
• The Impact on life and relationships based on culture, upbringing and experiences
• Child Bereavement
• Empires of the Mind: Colonial History & Its Implications for Counselling & Psychotherapy
• Black Issues in the Therapeutic Process
• The Effects of Separation and Loss: Therapeutic Approaches
• Transference and Interpersonal Perception in the Psychotherapeutic Relationship: An Adlerian Perspective
• Youth Mental Health First Aid
• Adult Mental Health First Aid
• Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Training
• Accredited Skills course Working with Female Survivors of Sexual Violence
• Human Trafficking Introduction
• Hypnotherapy Training
• Working with Survivors using Art Materials
• In the Mind of a Borderline Personality Disorder
• Working with Women and Girls within Sexual Violence Sector
• Working with Relational Trauma
I was drawn to becoming a Counsellor
My journey to counselling came many years after redundancy. My son was still in primary school and I decided to stay at home until he was older and use the time to consider my career path.
I studied Holistic Massage and during the training, the tutor mentioned that having counselling skills would be useful as, when working with peoples’ bodies emotions can be released. I qualified as a massage therapist and the idea of training as a counsellor was never too far from my mind.
A few years later, I was experiencing mild depression due to challenges in my relationship. I sought counselling and it was life-changing. At the start of my counselling, I was hesitant and afraid. It was important to me that I had a counsellor from the same community as myself, but that also worried me: I didn’t want anyone to know that I was having counselling and worried that my counsellor may know people that I knew. I felt the stigma of depression and the stigma of needing help because as an adult woman and mother, I couldn’t help myself.
My counsellor was an incredibly skilled and empathic woman who helped me to recognise that I had low self-esteem and had been willing to settle for very little in my relationships. This recognition answered many questions as to why I was so unhappy and unfulfilled: I put others’ needs before my own in the belief that I would receive love and acceptance in return. Slowly I began to see and believe that I was worthy and deserving of so much more than I had settled for.
Being a client, once again piqued my interest in training and I eventually qualified and have never looked back.